
Only missing 7 days of running in 5 years... Woah.

Only missing 7 days of running in 5 years... Woah.

What do you attribute your success to?

Injury prevention has been a key to my success and consistency. I have managed to keep my body injury free with the right training, preventative treatment and adequate recovery as my body stands up to the demands of elite level running. Testament to this is that I have only missed 7 days of running in the past 5 years from a soft tissue injury. I have had on average one osteopathic treatment a month, a weekly massage, intermittent self-treatments and core classes. Having a practitioner who understands running and the effects training and racing has on the body has been a great aid in keeping my body injury free. Getting more sleep (consistently 7-8hrs a night), improving diet and allowing my body and mind some time to rest, relax and recover has been very important. I have learnt that I need to do this and now see these as part of my training program.


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